OPG / Dental X-ray

Available at our Edmondson Park clinic

What is OPG:

OPG stands for Orthopantomogram. This is a wide angle xray of your mouth showing all teeth and surrounding structures.

What is it used for?

OPG is mainly used by the Dentists to diagnose a wide variety of dental conditions. They can assess the general condition of the teeth as well the gums, the bones of the upper and lower jaws, the temporomandibular joints, the paranasal sinuses as well as the soft tissues.

From the OPG examination, valuable information can be gained about the condition of the enamel of your teeth, any caries, gingivitis, impacted teeth, abnormal development of teeth and others. It can also the condition of previous procedures such as root canals, fillings etc.

How it is done:

OPG is done through our state of the art latest generation OPG machine. You will stand in from of the machine and open your mouth and place your chin on a pad. You may be required to bite onto a clean rubber pad. The machine will do a side to side sweep and take a wide angle Xray of your mouth.

What are the risks:

This is a safe procedure. The radiation dose to your mouth and eyes is minimal. Apart from that, there are no known side effects.

How long does it take?

The Xray take only a few seconds to do. You will be in and out of the practice within 15 minutes. Your doctor/dentist will get the result on the same day via electronic medium. You are also able to obtain an electronic copy for yourself. A printed copy may be available on request.